The USPLTA was established in 1962 to represent and support those engaged in processing, merchandising, brokering and warehousing dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, and related activities.
As the industry has grown, the Membership now includes food manufacturing and processing, transportation and port, bagging and equipment, and other industry-related companies.
Voting Members include Processors, First Purchaser/Elevators, Warehousemen/Seed Dealers, Exporter/Dealers, Broker/Commission Agents and Finished Product Processor/Food Manufacturers.
Non-voting Members are associated companies including Financial, Chemical/Seed Treatment, Packaging/Bagging, Transportation, Ports and those engaged in closely related industry activities.
2780 W. Pullman Road
Moscow, ID 83843
Phone: 208-882-3023
USPLTA Member Services - Attn: Kim Monk
2780 W Pullman Road
Moscow, ID 83843
Make checks to: USPLTA
For more information, contact Kim Monk at 208-882-3023 or email